
SNCI: supporting entrepreneurship.

Companies in order to play an active role in the development of the Luxembourg economy need mid- and long-term financing to start up, grow and/or innovate. They are currently facing a challenging environment.

Today’s challenging economic landscape is marked by inflation and rising material and energy costs. Companies seek financing solutions for their projects together with their commercial bank and with their partner SNCI, Société Nationale de Crédit et d’Investissement. SNCI, as a neutral partner, and intermediary, closely works with Luxembourg banks and offers direct or indirect co-financing schemes.

SNCI’s proStart, proDevelop, proInnovate and proTransfer programmes can provide financing solutions for all types of development projects.

SNCI also closely collaborates with entrepreneurship support centres notably the Chamber of Crafts, the Chamber of Commerce, or the Ministry of Economy.

A concrete example of SNCI’s instruments at work was the success of Inspire, a start-up founded by Elodie Barbera and Anne-Lise Gallois. Together, they launched a wellness project, setting up a beauty and relaxation centre combined with a tearoom.

SNCI does not finance 100% of companies’ projects but looks for a balance between various financing sources in a risk sharing and co-financing approach always with the interest of the project in mind.